Being a HUGE fan of vintage fashion,
Tara Starlet is a haven for me! I first saw it in Topshop Oxford Circus on the lower floor...I instantly fell in love with its great prints, that are more than authentic, and the very charming pattern of their clothes. I was so taken in by a swinging, navy blue 40s dress with a lace collar, that I forgot my credit card limit and just bought it! I never regreted it...thing is, it develops into an addiction, where I want to own EVERY SINGLE PIECE of the collection! Do you know these moments, when you get pictures of a specific piece of clothing in your head and you just have to have it? Right...well, I love thrifting vintage stores, but living in an area where they are practically non-existent, it makes it a bit hard...but even when living in London, you don't always find, what you are looking the brilliant thing about Tara Starlet is, that she always has the thing, I'm looking for! Crucial!
Right now, it's capri pants in the style of Helen Bishop from Mad Men
Then I go to Tara, and whoops, what do I find...exactly what I'm looking for:
It's basically the same for playsuits...I'm going to a festival in a couple weeks, and I was wondering about Festival Fashion, as probably many of you do right now. I saw Dita's looks at the Coachella earlier this year, and wow! We all know that woman can dress! So I will opt for a nice playsuit (although she herself wore a dress), pair it up with my new sailor hat (just like Dita did)...I'm just not sure on the shoes yet, because I don't wanna ruin my wedges...But there's still time for a decision...back to the playsuit:
Dita's version above, and here's what I am favouring:
Don't you just love 'em?! The only hard thing is to decide which one to favourite is the black and white polka dot with the yellow lining! Although the white red buttoned-through polka dot might come in as a close second..we shall see.
Other things, for which I love Tara: